- Ája Rezavé štěstí (Xantia Rudolfovská skála x Dongu Sexy Rexy)
- Registration number: FCI CLP/NSR/935
- Born: 20.7.2015
- Height: 48,5 cm
- International database The Breed Archive
- Breed under Retriever club CZ
- 1th litter in 2019 with Halifaxolaf
- 2nd litter in 2021 with Out of the woods Oakly of Great Pleasure
We dont plan any other litter with Aja. We are focusing on work and we are enjoying her talents.
Hips | A/A |
Elbows | 0/0 |
PRCD-pra | clear (Vemodia) |
CEA | clear (Vemodia) |
DM | clear (Vemodia) |
Lokus.D (Buff) | clear (Vemodia) |
CP1 | clear (UC Davis) |
CLPS | clear (UC Davis) |
JADD | clear (UC Davis) |
CDDY | N/N (UC Davis) |
Hunting exams
- TJP Sweden Tollarspecialen, Marie Kinder Nilsson, 5.8.2023 Svedala, open class: N.C., choice of functionars, excellent work during whole test, very proud of her, 1 small duck from search missed the price
- Club autumn exams (hunting exam with game) KCHLS, Kyselka 13.5.2023: 1st price, 1st place from all retrievers
- Club autumn exams (hunting exam with game) Retriever club CZ, Borovy 29.4.2023: 2nd price
- TT Belgium, Jelle Huysmans, 25.3.2023 Begijnendijk, novice class (like our open class): 3rd price
- TT Belgium, Erna Jacobs, 26.3.2022 Begijnendijk, novice class: N.C.
- TJP Belgium, Jelle Huysmans, 21.8.2022 Begijnendijk, beginners class: 1st price
- TJP Belgium, Jef Savels, 20.8.2022 Begijnendijk, beginners class: N.C.
- TJP Sweden Tollarspecialen, Lars Begtsson, 6.8.2022 Annaboda, beginners class: N.C., judge choice
- Tolling test (unofficial), Lars Begtsson a Hakan Linde (SE), 14.-15.5.2022 Osek u Rokycan (CZE): 3rd price both days, beginners class with ducks
- Tolling test (unofficial), Sverker Haraldsson (SE), 21.-22.4.2018 Borotín u Tábora (CZE): 3rd price, beginners class with ducks
- Basic hunting test (OVVR) Retriever klub CZ, Kařez 14.5.2017: 1st price (212 points)
Real hunt with Ája
Other exams
- Nosework WZ (water): 19.5.2023 (Klára Hlubocká)
- Nosework U1 (urban): 18.5.2023 (Klára Hlubocká)
- Nosework NZ (nature): 20.9.2022 (Klára Hlubocká)
- Nosework DZ (discrimination): 25.6.2022 (Eva Čermáková)
- Nosework UZ (urban): 16.5.2022 (Klára Hlubocká)
- Spring Obedience Exams Plzeň (CZ) 13.6.2021: OB-Z (good, 206.5 points)
- Unofficial toller show Sweden 7.8.2022: Exc.1, BOS in class for disqualification (where we registered Ája just for fun, because she has 2 front teeth knocked out, we just hearded from the judge that she should entered in classic open class)
- Speciální výstava retrieverů v Chlumci nad Cidlinou (CZ) 26.5.2018: Exc.1 CAC, CC
- Dvoudenní klubová výstava retrieverů Retriever club CZ 8.-9.9.2018 Brno-Žebětín: Exc.2 Res. CAC
Story of Ája
Ája (Rusty Luck) was born on 20.7.2015 to Xanta and Dag as the last of the litter. We were really lucky, because Ája was originally supposed to go to Poland to do canist therapy. Fortunately, it came off the reservation and on September 13, 2015, the most active member of the entire litter moved in with us.
It is said that Ája was the chief oppressor of the other siblings from an early age. And she grew into a beautiful alpha female who would give anything for her family. She weaned 2 litters and always nursed for a full 9 weeks. As a mother, Ája was truly fantastic. We are not planning any more litters with Ája.
Ája got her hunting talent from her father, Dag, for which we are incredibly grateful. When she saw a duck for the first time, she automatically caught it and brought it back. Ája’s weak point are her nerves, which we try to work on through training and little bit with herbs. But if we had known… and started early, it would have been much easier for us and Aja.
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